(805) 233-7987

364 East Main St. Suite 444 Middletown, DE 19709


PMA Brand Associate Member Sponsorships

As a PMA Industry Champion or Corporate Platinum member, you have the member benefit of “sponsoring” retailer brands to the PMA for free. Each year, Industry Champion members may sponsor up to 5 brands, and Platinum members may sponsor up to 2 brands for free. The sponsored members must be Retailer Brands to qualify.

Each member that you sponsor will be given a PMA Corporate Bronze Membership for one year. Benefits for this level of membership include being listed in our Membership Directory with their logo, a company recognition announcement on LinkedIn, access to all of our whitepapers and reports, a ticket to each of our Happy Hour events, ability to participate in a PMA council, and more. (See full membership benefits)

Please fill out the form below to provide us with information about each Brand you would like to sponsor. Click here to see a full Member Directory to ensure the brand is not already a member.

Once we receive the form, we will send it through our Membership Committee and then reach out to the brand with more information about joining and a custom coupon code for them to join. The codes will expire in 30 days.

We hope that this will be a great opportunity for you to share the PMA with your clients/partners as well as give us an opportunity to show them what the PMA can do for them.

PMA Brand Sponsorship Nomination Form

Industry Champions and Platinum members can nominate brands for free PMA membership for a year. Please fill out the form below with your member information as well as who you would like to nominate and we will reach out to them.