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The self-nomination period for the PMA 2015 Board of Directors will open September 2, 2014. Nominations will close on September 30, at the end of the business day.
The voting period will open October 7, 2014. All Corporate (formerly Gold) and Industry Champion (formerly Platinum) members in good standing are eligible to run and vote in the new board. Six (6) board seats are open and available to fill:
The PMA holds the integrity of your vote in the highest regard. Per the board resolution passed in 2010, the final vote will be certified by both Board President Brian Littleton, and Board Secretary, Tricia Meyer. Please feel welcome to reach out to them directly should you have any questions.
Curious as to what the 2014 PMA Board of Directors did? Check out a message from PMA President Brian Littleton earlier this month. This is designed to help you both craft your campaign statement and help you craft your vision for what the PMA should accomplish in 2015.
The PMA board is made up of 11 people:
For this election for the 2014 board, six (6) board seats will be available to fill:
These new board members will join the following seated board members who will serve their second year of the 2-year term:
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