(805) 233-7987

364 East Main St. Suite 444 Middletown, DE 19709


PMA 2024 Board of Directors Voting

Each company member of the PMA is entitled to cast one ballot for the Board of Directors election. A voting code has been assigned to each company. If you did not receive this code via email, please reach out to Tricia via Slack or email (tricia@thepma.org) and she will give you your code. Ballots submitted without a code will be rejected.

These new board members will join the following seated board members who will serve their second year of the 2-year term:

  • Jeannine Crooks, Awin
  • Kelly Ground, Gray Harbor Digital
  • Chris Tradgett, Moonpull
  • Debbi Dougherty, Rakuten Advertising
  • Dustin Howes, Performance Marketing Manager
  • Lee-Ann Johnstone, Affiverse
  • Jade Mayberry, dentsu

Click here to review the biographies of each nominee.