(805) 233-7987

364 East Main St. Suite 444 Middletown, DE 19709


Performance Marketing Fairness Fund

Your contribution to the Performance Marketing Fairness Fund is needed to help us continue our advocacy efforts for our industry and to help us protect the small businesses that make their living as performance marketers.

Whether you are an affiliate, merchant, network or service provider; are a nonmember; or just want to further support the cause, your funding will assist the PMA in the following areas:

  • Fund the legal expenses against legislation that affects the livings of thousands of performance marketers
  • Maintain salaries for the paid PMA Team
  • Public relations and media assistance on important topics that affect our industry

$50 Donation

Chips in for PMA Operating Expenses

$100 Donation

Doubles the Help!

$250 Donation

Pays for 1-Hour of Legal Work on Behalf of the Industry

$500 Donation

Doubles the Legal Support - Thanks!

$1000 Donation

Enables the PMA to Conduct a 1-Day Lobbying Effort

$5000 Donation

Helps the PMA Advocate for Businesses that make up the Performance Marketing Industry

To contribute, please complete the form below:

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Performance Marketing Fairness Fund?
Is a contribution to this fund the same as a PMA membership?
What is the relationship between the PMA and the Performance Marketing Fairness Fund?
Are gifts and membership dues tax-deductible?
Can I mail my gift to the Performance Marketing Fairness Fund?
How can I become a member of the PMA?