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Conquer Holiday Stress by Maximizing Efficiency in Q4

Conquer Holiday Stress by Maximizing Efficiency in Q4

For those struggling with efficiency and time management, Q4 may prove especially difficult. To help get through this busy and stressful season, here are a few of my favorite tips.

Start planning early

This suggestion might come a tad late as Q4 is already underway, but we can all us a reminder to plan, plan, plan. Put together your editorial calendar in advance. Block out dates for holidays. Feeling like it’s too late to start? Don’t worry, this can easily be done before Christmas or New Year’s Eve.

Outsource or delegate what you can

Avoid putting too much effort into small tasks you can delegate instead. This exercise will free your mind to focus on the bigger and more important things. For example, open up your blog for guest posting. As a bonus, this could help establish a working relationship for future collaborations. 

Do you have part-time employees looking for more hours? Set aside some time to train them in simple or time-consuming tasks so you can delegate them. As a bonus, you’ll have an experienced person to help with tasks next time you’re out of office. 

Take advantage of third-party tools

Content scheduling tools are a lifesaver during the holidays. These tools generally allow you to schedule and share content across all your social media platforms in advance. These tools are perfect for scheduling posts on a holiday where you’re out of office, or making sure you don’t forget an alert for a seasonal sale you don’t want to share too early.

Other tools also exist to help optimize SEO, make workflows more efficient, easily collaborate on tasks and share information, and much more. Set up a trial, find what works best for you and your team’s needs, and start saving time now.

Repurpose last year’s holiday content

Rather than duplicate work done every Q4 previously, find seasonal content on your blog to refresh and repurpose for this year. Give an older post a fresh coat of paint with updated graphics or images. Add links to new and relevant content, and then share it again on all your social media channels and newsletters. Even if you’ve shared similar content in the past, your audience will likely enjoy reading it again. 

Set aside time to relax

Last, try to find some time to relax during the busy season. Rushing to complete things sometimes causes mistakes or oversights that take even longer to fix. If you sense this is the direction you’re going, take a step back. Determine if the problem is really worth the stress, and make sure rushing to take on extra tasks isn’t going to make your job harder.

Using these tips will help you save time and stress less. After the holidays are over, you’ll be able to return with more energy and focus for 2020. Got any more tips from your own experience to share? Feel free to let us know and share with the community. 

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Kim Cashwell is a Marketing Manager at FMTC, a service that makes affiliate marketing easier with enterprise-level datafeeds and tools for merchants and OPMs. Kim has also previously worked with advertisers and brands, helping them find influencer partners. She enjoys the outdoors, spending time with her dog and all things digital marketing.
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