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Jamie Birch Joins PMA Board of Directors

Jamie Birch Joins PMA Board of Directors

I am happy to announce the newest member of our Board of Directors, Jamie Birch, Founder/CEO of JEBCommerce.

Jamie in his own words from his BOD application:

I’ve been in affiliate marketing since 1999 as an affiliate, an in-house manager and running an agency.  I’ve also managed multi-channel digital marketing campaigns for large corporations.  This experience gives me unique insight into our industry, where we fit within the broader landscape and our unique challenges and opportunities.  I’ve spoken at many major industry events and written for many of the leading industry rags.  I have been involved with the PMA in committees and as a member since the inception of the organization.  I’ve also been very involved in the nexus issue which continues to affect our industry.   I believe my success in this field and my experience suits me well for this position.

The Board and I look forward to working with Jamie effective immediately!

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect and Sunshine Rewards as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. She is the co-owner and primary white wine drinker of the Wine Club Group.
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