Affiliate Attribution: Share Your Thoughts!
The following is a Quick Survey being conducted by the PMA’s Measurements and Insights Council. All answers will be kept strictly confidential and email addresses will only be used for deduplication or in the event you would like the PMA to reach out to you for further information.
Please only take this survey if your business falls into one of the following types: Network, Agency, Publisher, Retailer/Advertiser
As a traditional affiliate platform model, the last click typically receives credit for the sale. With this being said, over the past few years attribution has been a hot topic within the industry leaving advertisers and publishers wondering if other channels and/or affiliates have influenced a sale. Attribution data is not always readily available, and it’s easy to make assumptions around what might be or not be happening, especially around downloadable software and toolbar publishers. We are firstly looking to understand how valuable attribution data would be, specific to the affiliate and partnership channel. We would also appreciate your feedback on how you view working with certain publisher types and what your organization’s stance is regarding these partnerships.