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PMA Conducting Industry Sizing Survey

PMA Conducting Industry Sizing Survey

One of the questions the PMA is asked most frequently is “How big is Affiliate Marketing in the United States?” Over the next couple of months, we hope to be able to answer that question along with other questions about ad spend across publisher types and by retailer vertical.

For the last year, we have been working with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to formulate a study that would not only allow us to estimate the size of affiliate marketing in the United States but also break it down in key areas that  highlight our value. Over time, we hope to continue the study so that we can show growth in the industry and as a percentage of overall ecommerce in the United States. The study will take place in two phases:

Phase 1: Data collection from select affiliate networks (complete)

Phase 2: Data collection from affiliates (in progress)

The following companies are graciously working with PwC to provide data that will be aggregated and anonymized before sharing with the PMA:

  • Impact (Industry Champion Member)
  • Rakuten Marketing (Industry Champion Member)
  • Awin (Industry Champion Member)
  • ShareASale (Industry Champion Member)
  • Pepperjam (Industry Champion Member)
  • Partnerize (Industry Champion Member)
  • LinkConnector (Industry Champion Member)
  • CJ by Conversant

Watch the video below from Affiliate Summit West to learn more about how various networks are working through the PMA both on this survey and other industry-wide issues. We look forward to presenting the survey results soon.

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect and Sunshine Rewards as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. You can find her on Twitter @SunshineTricia.
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