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PMA Virtual Round Table: Survival Strategies Against Amazon

PMA Virtual Round Table: Survival Strategies Against Amazon

As part of its continuing quarterly webinar series, the Industry Advancement Council invites PMA members to spend an hour networking and discussing how merchants can have strong affiliate programs while still selling through Amazon.

Join us for a round table discussion entitled Survival Strategies Against Amazon. Panelists will include:

  • Choots Humphries, LinkConnector (Moderator)
  • Mayrena Tavarez, AffiliateManager.com
  • Jeannine Crooks, Awin Global
  • Mike Allen, Businesswright Consulting

This panel is geared toward networks, merchants, and OPMs in particular. Issues will include how to entice affiliates to promote products directly through a merchant’s affiliate program when those same products are available on Amazon. In addition, the panel will discuss the pros and cons of a merchant with an affiliate program also being on Amazon.

The call will be held Wednesday, March 13, at 1pm Eastern time. Register below to be added to the list and have call-in information sent to you.

PMA Members Only! Membership will be verified before your invitation is sent. 

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect and Sunshine Rewards as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. She is the co-owner and primary white wine drinker of the Wine Club Group.
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