Sponsor the PMA at ASW18
The Performance Marketing Association will once again be participating at Affiliate Summit both exhibiting and with a member meetup. Sponsorship opportunities are a great way for your company not only to support the PMA but also to reach a wider audience.
We have two major sponsorship opportunities for Affiliate Summit West 2018 in Las Vegas:
- PMA Cocktail Brunch on Sunday, January 7
- Meet Market Table
Sponsorship levels are as follows:
- $1500 (limited to 3) Company name and logo on party invitations and posts, including link to company. Signage at brunch as well as an opportunity to hand out promotional materials. Large signage as Meet Market table. Recognition via PMA social media.
- $500 (limited to 5) Large signage at Meet Market table. Company inclusion in Meet Market blog posts and recognition on social media.
- $250 (limited to 10) Small signage at Meet Market table. Company inclusion in Meet Market blog posts and recognition on social media.
In addition, all sponsors will be recognized in both our member and non-member email newsletters, which reach over 1500 affiliate marketers.
As you can see, the number of opportunities are limited. If you are interested in any of the above or more information, please contact Tricia Meyer or Rachel Honoway.