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Video Replay of Amazon Seller Affiliate: Pros and Cons for Publishers and Brands

Video Replay of Amazon Seller Affiliate: Pros and Cons for Publishers and Brands

Last fall I started hearing conversations about “Amazaon Seller Affiliate Programs” and initially dismissed it as merely being the “Amazon Associates Program.” However, as more agencies started talking about it, I realized that this was something completely different and an emerging new way to engage in affiliate marketing.

Heading straight to the experts, I was fortunate to be able to moderate a panel discussion on the subject featuring:

  • Amy Scanlon, RightSideUp
  • Rob Schab, Levanta
  • Griffin Melia, eAccountable
  • Jade Mayberry, dentsu

Amazon Seller Affiliate: Pros and Cons for Publishers and Brands (Video Replay)

In addition to explaining how Amazon Seller Affiliate programs work on the technical side, the panelists engaged in a discussion that included:

  • How these programs differ from both traditional affiliate progams as well as the Amazon Associates program
  • How these programs compare to the newer Amazon Creator Connections program
  • How agencies evaluate the potential of these programs for brands
  • The pros and cons for publishers to join these programs compared to other types of programs
  • The pros and cons for brands to launch these programs
  • How Google might reward publishers for giving purchasing options

We were able to take several questions from the audience as well!

If you were unable to catch the live video, it is now available for replay on LinkedIn.

Thanks to the panelists and everyone who participated for a truly educational presentation!

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect and Sunshine Rewards as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. She is the co-owner and primary white wine drinker of the Wine Club Group.
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