Why Affiliates MUST Embrace Mobile
It should come as no surprise that mobile technology is changing the way we interact with the world around us. It also shouldn’t shock anyone that it’s changing the way companies operate and those who don’t embrace this change will fall behind their competitors who are, losing valuable users and money.

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No one likes losing, and no affiliate wants to even think about losing potential money or users. This is exactly why affiliates need to embrace mobile. Affiliates who make the wise choice of embracing mobile usage and solutions see an increase in their number of users and are able to better monetize their mobile traffic.
Numbers tend to really help make a point so let’s take a look at some numbers showing why affiliates need to go the mobile way:
- 58% of American adults own a smartphone.
- 42% of American adults possess a tablet.
- 55% of U.S. Internet usage in January came from mobile devices.
Want to know something else proving mobile’s dominance? Mobile apps accounted for 47% of the above 55% of Internet traffic, while only 45% used PCs to access the Internet in January of this year. This means not only do affiliates need to have the mobile mindset, they also need to find a way to incorporate mobiles apps into their strategy.
So what are some mobile solutions for affiliates?
First off, don’t make dumb mistakes. Yes, mistakes happen and it’s good that we learn from them; however, when mistakes can be avoided they should be. There are typically three common mobile monetization mistakes made — having identical strategies for each platform, not analyzing data and not asking for help when needed. Avoiding these mistakes helps your revenue grow.
Next, get involved with mobile apps if you aren’t already. People with mobile devices have several mobile apps and access them daily. If you want to make more money nowadays, you have to get linked up with mobile apps.
Going along with that, you want to join forces with a mobile monetization service. These services help you by monetizing your mobile apps and sites. There are various mobile monetization services you could use, like InMobi, MMedia and youAPPi. Each company varies in the exact services provided, but the main focus of each is to promote your app by advertising them in other apps, as well as show engaging and related ads in your app to your users so you earn money from their activity.
A final solution you should consider when deciding how to fully embrace mobile is native advertising. Native advertising is the perfect way to go for affiliates publishing mobile content and wanting to add relevant, non-intrusive ads to their content or widgets. With today’s technology, those who follow this route are able find out what content their users regularly consume so you can individually target them with mobile apps most relevant to them. Because these apps relate to other apps they consistently use or content them consume, they’re more likely to download one of the suggested apps, and you’d make money with each download.
Every single day millions of people access the Internet through a mobile device and hundreds of mobile apps are discovered and downloaded to those mobile devices. With all these numbers, there’s no denying that to stay ahead of your affiliate competitors you have to follow these solutions and fully embrace mobile.
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- Why Affiliates MUST Embrace Mobile - May 20, 2014