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I “Heart” Performance Marketing

I “Heart” Performance Marketing

February is all about love and the heart. So, we thought it was good time to spread the love for performance marketing with a campaign that gives you, our members, the chance to tell the world why you love performance marketing.

Thereare two ways to participate. You can do one or both… there’s no harm in spreading extra love for our industry.

1 – Share Your Love in a Status Update

Add a status update to Facebook letting your friends know why you love performance marketing. Tag two performance marketing friends to invite them to join the fun and add the hashtags #‎thepma‬ and ‪#‎iloveperformancemarketing‬.

Here’s an example of what your post might look like:

I love performance marketing because… it’s introduced me to some of my best friends. @Rachel and @Mike, why do you love performance marketing?  ‪#‎thepma‬‪#‎iloveperformancemarketing‬

Be on the lookout – one of your friends may be tagging you right now!

2 – Change Your Profile Picture to I “Heart” Performance Marketing

Join us in bringing awareness to our amazing industry by changing your profile picture to one of these I “Heart” Performance Marketing badges.

I heart PM


Click on either image to open them in a new window – right click to save and then upload it as your profile pic on Facebook.

After you change your profile pic – stop by our Facebook page, our our members-only Facebook group to say “Hi” and show off your new profile pic!

Thanks for sharing the love!

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Rachel is a partner at Rust Built Ventures. She has been an active participant in the affiliate marketing industry since the late 90's with executive leadership roles at KowaBunga!, Lurn & FMTC. Her advice and views have been shared in FeedFront multiple times as well as from the stage at Affiliate Summit.
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