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Merchant Best Practice Project

Merchant Best Practice Project

The Coupons & Deals Council is working on a Merchant Best Practices document that will provide helpful information for advertisers new to the performance marketing industry. Affiliate marketing can be overwhelming with its abundant use of different terms and concepts. Our goal is to have a one-stop location for demystifying these common concepts. We are gathering links to articles, sites and documents, and providing summaries on their content.

So far we have information on the following:

  • Basics of Affiliate Marketing
  • Choosing Networks
  • SEO
  • Affiliate Recruitment / Activation Strategies and Tips
  • Affiliate Marketing Industry Events
  • Learning Industry Definitions (linked to the PMA Glossary)

A few topics that we want to add, but need more content for are:

  • OPMs
  • Different types of affiliates (Content/Niche, Loyalty/Reward, Coupon/Deal, Services/Tools, Software/Technology, Malls/Comparison)
  • Things to watch out for when launching an affiliate program
  • Mistakes to avoid

We’d love to hear your ideas on what to add and are also taking article submissions! Email me at larissa@fmtc.co with any info you’d like to provide. We look forward to completing this project and creating a great resource for merchants looking to grow their knowledge and understanding of performance marketing.

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Rachel is a partner at Rust Built Ventures. She has been an active participant in the affiliate marketing industry since the late 90's with executive leadership roles at KowaBunga!, Lurn & FMTC. Her advice and views have been shared in FeedFront multiple times as well as from the stage at Affiliate Summit.

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