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PMA Members Stand for Net Neutrality

PMA Members Stand for Net Neutrality

Representing an industry based primarily on online commerce, we’ve found that many members of our organization are greatly troubled by the FCC’s plans to limit or control access to the internet super highway. Our members have thrived on an open and free internet that has given them all the same opportunity, regardless of the size of their companies. Rolling back these protections would greatly diminish fair competition and would hinder those start-ups who drive innovation and creativity in our industry.

We do not see this as a partisan issue. This is an issue about the rights of every individual or company having unfettered access to the marketplace of commerce and ideas. It is an issue of the very freedoms that, up until now, have been guaranteed and supported by the foundations of our political and our economic systems. We can’t help but think that by allowing the FCC to end Net Neutrality a shocking chill will come over intellectual discourse in our country, and economic winners and losers will be decided not on merit but at the favor of Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

As such, the undersigned members of the PMA stand with the millions of American companies and citizens who demand, under no uncertain terms, that Net Neutrality remain the law of the land. We will not be passive in this fight and we will not budge in our resolve. If the FCC foolishly decides to parcel up our internet we will fearlessly summon every resource at our disposal and we will engage in the legal and political battles that are certain to follow.

Let us be perfectly clear, members of the PMA stand for Net Neutrality.


Tom Rathbone
Amy Powell
Affluent Analytics
Click4ads LLC
Eric Nagel, Rust Built Inc.
Sarah Bundy, All Inclusive Marketing
Maura Smith
Claudia Bucaro
Choots Humphries
BrandVerity, Inc.
Rick Gardiner
Tara McCommons
Gina Bongiovanni
Tammy Cleland
Publisher Discovery Ltd
Jonathan Brown
Dustin Howes
Matt Robinson
Tanner Lawman
Stephen Manes
Maryellen Garasky on behalf of Jane.com
Jennifer Myers Ward
Todd Crawford, Co-Founder at Impact Radius
Rust Built, Inc
Tricia Meyer, Sunshine Rewards
Joe Sousa

With thank to Jerome Cleland of The CouponScoop for drafting this letter.

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect and Sunshine Rewards as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. She is the co-owner and primary white wine drinker of the Wine Club Group.
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