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Utah Nexus Alert

Utah Nexus Alert


The Utah legislature has NOT passed this bill for the 2016 session.  



The Utah legislature has H.B. 0235, the Remote Transactions Parity Act on the floor in both the House and a corresponding Senate Bill.  February 24th the bill passed the House Committee 8-5 and the Senate Committee unanimously.  If you are a business based in Utah that would be affected by this legislation the time to act is immediate.

Earlier:  The Utah legislature has resurected H.B. 0235, the Remote Transactions Parity Act. Yesterday (February 22nd), the House sent the bill to the Standing Committee.

A hearing will be held tomorrow (February 24th). The public is welcome to attend and speak on their own behalf, letting legislators know how this bill will affect them, their businesses and families.

WHEN: Wednesday, February 24th at 2pm 

WHERE: State capitol, Salt Lake City, in Room 445

The PMA encourages members and others in the affiliate marketing space to attend this hearing and ensure that the state understands how this bill affects business, affiliates, publishers and bloggers in the state.

Utah businesses and residents, we’ve created a Coalition group on Facebook to help you connect with one another, and to provide you with steps you can take to let your state officials know how this bill would affect you and your business.

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Rachel is a partner at Rust Built Ventures. She has been an active participant in the affiliate marketing industry since the late 90's with executive leadership roles at KowaBunga!, Lurn & FMTC. Her advice and views have been shared in FeedFront multiple times as well as from the stage at Affiliate Summit.

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