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New Whitepaper: The Benefits of Using Coupons

New Whitepaper: The Benefits of Using Coupons

One of the most challenging questions advertisers may ask is whether or not working with coupon and deal affiliates is beneficial. Should coupons be offered and if so, what is the best strategy? The Coupons and Deals Council has recently released a guide that addresses this debated topic and provides insightful tips, including:

  • Benefits of Working with Deal & Coupon Affiliates
  • Coupon Best Practices for Advertisers
  • How to Optimize with Coupon Affiliates
  • Coupon Code Creation and Formatting Suggestions
  • Coupon Code Standards

To access all the information, download the paper today!

Thanks to the following council members for their work on this project:

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. She is the co-owner and primary white wine drinker of the Wine Club Group.