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PMA to Release Results of Performance Marketing Industry Study

PMA to Release Results of Performance Marketing Industry Study

After many months of work, I am pleased to announce that the PMA will be releasing the results of its latest industry-wide study on August 2. The study contains data and analysis of affiliate marketing spending in the United State for the calendar year 2021. It also compares data to the previous report we released in 2019, available for download here, which estimated the spend on performance marketing in the United States to have been $6.2 billion in 2018.

The results will initially be revealed at our PMA Virtual Conference in a live session on August 2 at 11am Eastern. The video will then be available for replay to all conference attendees who are unable to attend live. The session will be followed by a Q&A at noon Eastern with PMA Board of Directors members about the results.

Attendees and PMA members will be directed to a link where they can download a whitepaper with the full results and additional analysis.

PMA members can attend the virtual conference for free. Non-members can register for $49.

I look forward to finally releasing the much-anticipated results!

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Tricia Meyer is an attorney and affiliate marketer. She is the founder and owner of Helping Moms Connect and Sunshine Rewards as well as the current Executive Director of the Performance Marketing Association. You can find her on Twitter @SunshineTricia.

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