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Author: Tricia Meyer

Over the last year, the PMA has spent a significant amount of time on DSPs (Downloadable Software Publishers). In addition to surveys and focus groups, we held a panel at Affiliate Summit West and released a whitepaper entitled "DSP: A Quick Reference Guide." Also at...

One of the most powerful but overlooked tools that an affiliate marketer can have in their toolbox is a Media Kit. There are many benefits to a professional-looking media kit including: Building credibility for your brand Telling your story, mission, and values Showcasing your reach to various audiences Highlighting transparency...

I am excited to announce that the PMA Board of Directors has elected its officers for this year. Congratulations to the following Directors who were elected by their peers: Sarah Beeskow Blay, Silverbean (President) Jim Nichols, Exclamation Marketing Solutions (Vice-President) Kelly Ground, Gray Harbor Digital (Treasurer) Jade Mayberry, dentsu...

It was an incredibly busy year for the Performance Marketing Association! Sometimes it's hard to realize just how much you are accomplishing until you look back at it over time. While we could definitely feel the momentum building as the year went on, it is...

Congratulations to the 6 new members of the PMA Board of Directors who were selected by the membership this past month: Sarah Beeskow Blay, Silverbean Christen Evans, Spark Partnerships Katie Jones, FMTC Erin (Killian) Kristyniak, Partnerize Jim Nichols, Exclamation Marketing Sandrine Thompson, CJ The new members will take office in January, joining...